Marketing to Attract Tourists


The Marketing to Attract Tourists Program provides funding to support and development international tourism, sports marketing, outdoor recreation, and cultural attractions.


A primary goal of the program is to promote overnight stays. Applicants should, as part of the project narrative, explain how their project will meet this goal.


Non-profit organizations with a significant interest in the development of tourism product that provides a visitor experience to a tourist region, destination and/or attractions are eligible to apply.  Funds may be used to:

  • Support events
  • Fund facility enhancements
  • Support new construction and/or renovations
  • Develop marketing, advertising and public relations campaigns to build attendance

Marketing to Attract Tourists


An applicant may not make or authorize any substantial change to an approved project without first obtaining DCED’s consent in writing. If the full amount of the grant is not required for the project, the unused portion shall be returned to DCED. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in penalties, including repayment of funds with interest. When a project is funded, the recipient must place the grant funds in an interest bearing account. Any interest earned on invested grants funds must be returned to the state.

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