Community Development Block Grant – Cares (CDBG-CV)


Community Development Block Grant – CARES (CDBG-CV) – The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (CARES Act) provided for a supplemental appropriation of Community Development Block Grants as authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended. Grants and technical assistance for eligible municipalities as identified under Pennsylvania Act 179 of 1984 as amended, for any eligible community development activities for COVID-19 relief related activities that prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus.

These funds were made available and released in three tranches:

  • $2 billion was allocated within 30 days in accordance with the 2020 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 formula distribution. The allocation for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for Tranche 1 is $24,691,407. All funds received in Tranche 1 were allocated in accordance with Act 179 and have been committed to eligible CDBG-CV activities.
  • The 2nd and 3rd allocation of funds for the Commonwealth are $51,352,198 and $20,141,782 for a total of $71,493,980.

CDBG Contact List
CDBG Economic Development Manual List


The CDBG-CV programmatic requirements mirror those of the CDBG program unless specifically identified.

Housing rehabilitation, public services, community facilities, infrastructure improvement, development and planning that prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus.


Tranche 1:

  • Entitlement program which provides annual funding to designated municipalities
  • Competitive program is available to all municipalities that are not direct federal recipients of CDBG funds and state Act 179 entitlement municipalities with a population less than 10,000

Tranche 2 and 3:

  • Competitive program is being made available to any unit of local government in the commonwealth, including those that qualify as direct federal entitlement communities or urban counties under the CDBG program
  • Partnership for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) Networks to apply for the Economic Development Assistance Funds

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